By Dario Rivarossa.


The company of the spider will appear to you sympathetic, lucid and cruel like yourself, and it will spin the mathematics which you bear inscribed in the lines of tension of your own bones. Thus, no dog for you, but spiders, yes! And know that there do not exist in all creation two more contradictory secretions than the foul and supremely anti-geometric drooling of a dog and the quintessential and mathematical saliva of the spider.


The spider is one of your good fairies, and its Adriadne thread will guide you at every moment in the menace-filled labyrinth of your studio…

I am mindful of the principle of the coefficient of divine viscosity, which is the enigma of organic matter and which was revealed to my by a wasp descended from heaven to sacrifice itself and thereby sweeten my life…

… The sea urchin, in which all the magic splendors and virtues of pentagonal geometry are found resolved, a creature weighted with royal gravity and which does not even need a crown for, being a drop held in perfect balance by the surface tension of its liquid, it is world, cupola and crown at one and the same time, hence universe!

Salvador Dalí

(from “50 Secrets of Magic Craftmanship”, 1948; translated by Haakon M. Chevalier, Dover Publications, New York 1992)

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